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What's next for the Launch Pad Development Series of New Theatre? Adaptations, Violence and New Media.

The plan for 2025 is to reinvest ourselves in theatre production and move into some interesting social areas. 

DecadesOut has expanded the goals of the Launch Pad Series to include theatrical works by performances artists, choreographers and digital artists (inc film and video). DecadesOut will focus on the development of new work by emerging and established artists. There will be a focus on work that fit squarely within the company’s mission.

The mission of the Series is to give theatre artists (including writers and directors) a place to explore a piece's themes, ideas, and theatrical structures in order to help it reach the next level which could include a workshop or an initial production.

The Launch Pad Development Series of New Theatre was started in 2009 as part of DecadesOut's core mission. Through it, we have introduced short and full length plays. The initial development process of the Series consists of readings and presentations. These will be done in coordination with production companies and exhibition spaces in the hopes of introducing the work to a greater audience that could help it achieve full production.

Here are the Submission Guidlines.

Calls to Action & Resources

  • Affairs of the World
    Ukraine: DecadesOut is against the violent and internationally destabilizing actions taken by Russian President Vladimir Putin in Ukraine. In response, there are multiple ways we can support those most impacted, namely the Ukrainian people: UNICEF, International Committee of the Red Cross, and the UN Refugee Agency.
  • It's Heating Up Around Here
    Climate Change: As temperatures continue to rise, it's important to keep an eye on what's being published and said as we try to grapple with humanity's place in this changing ecosystem. Stay tuned, as we'll regularly highlight some stories that do a good job (we think) of informing us.
  • It's Right Before Our Eyes
    Art activism is growing around the world. Here are a few places for you to check out what's going on and what world artists are responding to.